Competencies Video Series

Competencies Video Series

The substance use field continues to evolve quickly. Skill sets and knowledge requirements for staff are continually changing and finding qualified professionals to meet growing needs is essential.

CCSA's Behavioural and Technical Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce describe the behaviours, skill sets and knowledge required for regulated and unregulated professionals who work with people who use substances.

We have created three training videos to support you in applying the Competencies. The Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce video series guides you through how to use the Competencies in practice.

Video 1: Overview

This video provides an overview of how a competency-based framework using the Behavioural and Technical Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce can help your organization.

Video 2: Job Descriptions and Roles

This video describes how to clarify job descriptions and roles using the Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce.

Video 3: Interviewing and Performance Management

This video describes how to use the interviewing and performance management tools to support the application of the Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce.